Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Amazon | 2022

tulipsMother’s Day is THIS WEEKEND (May 8th) & holy cow did it creep up fast!!  I had the pleasure of becoming a mom last year myself and wow, can I just say moms are super human?! I mean, I literally created a human!? (insert shocked OMG face) haha but seriously… Moms are amazing and whether you’re looking for a sweet gift for another mom, or you need some inspiration to send to someone for yourself, I’ve got you covered! Of course it’s last minute because that’s just who I am! haha May 8th is also a special day because it’s my husband and my DATEiversary (the day we started dating) <3…14 years ago!

I say this every year, but when thinking of gifting, you’ll want to make sure to get something sentimental, but useful. Make sure you’re thinking of them and what they would want, not just something you think they may want. If you really don’t know, don’t be afraid to ask! Ask someone that’s around them more often or just ask them straight up! Most of the time they’ll say they don’t need anything, but ask them if there is something they’ve been wanting, but haven’t bought for themselves. Things like that!

*Shop the collage below by clicking on the item to take you to the product page*

>>SHOP ALL Mother’s Day Last Minute Gift Ideas on AMAZON HERE<<

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KEEP IN MIND: I put together a list of physical items, but some moms don’t want THINGS, they want experiences or time for themselves. Let them sleep in, make them breakfast (& clean it all up too), do something relaxing, etc. Take things off their plate that would alleviate the stress during that day.

Either way, I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day! I can’t wait to celebrate my first Mother’s Day with baby Layla! <3

Thank you so much for reading and hope this helps in time for a possible last minute gift for the Mother’s in your life! XO

The post Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Amazon | 2022 appeared first on Kelsie Kristine.

from Kelsie Kristine
Kelsie Kristine

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