Islam the true religion and complete way of life also discuss and debate upon the concepts of Personality and Personality development as is evident from many verses of the Holy Quran.

Verily you are All-Mighty, the All Wise (Al Baqrah, Verse 129)

“He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them from filth, and teaching them the Book (Al Qur’an) and Al Hikmah and verily, they had been before in manifest error,” (Al Jummah, Verse 2).

Islam focuses a change from within instead of changing your hair or losing weight to become more socially acceptable and likable by everyone. So this Ramadan is a right time to increase self control and try to make one’s soul and body pure by resisting all the evil temptations and moving on the path of righteousness.

Since we are in the second ashra, now’s the time to act and make promise to oneself to change and change for good by starting with the basics because it’s never too late.

  1. Always initiate by saying “Assalamualaikum” to those you know and don’t, and return the lovely greeting in peace!
  2. Whoever you meet, whenever you meet, always meet them with a smiling face.
  3. If you realise you have nothing nice or good to say to anyone, remains silent each time and calm yourself.
  4. If you are someone who loves to gossip, and we all are guilty of that, make dua for that person instead of talking about them. And if you are sincerely trying to change this habit about yourself, task yourself of giving charity whenever you gossip.
  5. When you catch yourself complaining or if you’re about to complain, say Alhamdulillah; remember and thank Him for His blessings.
  6. Read a page from the Prophet’s seerah and note practicable lessons.
  7. Anger Management 101 – because we’re all losing our peace over anything big or small. So how do you control your anger or find yourself getting angry? Repeat ‘A’udhu billahi minash shaytan-ir rajim. 
  8. Write 3 things that you are thankful for! And might we suggest that you do it every day so you know how much are grateful for!
  9. Lower your gaze and look away when your gaze accidentally falls on something sinful.
  10. Say jazak Allah khair (may Allah reward you) for something gifted to you or good done to you.

Remember there is no short cut to personality development it needs a lot of continuous struggle but better late than never so if we have shown remissness and tardiness till date with regard to our personality development.

source https://www.siddysays.com/10-ways-to-improve-your-personality-this-ramadan/

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